Monday, April 19, 2010

MAKE UP!!!!!

I am sure none of you young and restless fashioneers out there remember any of the old comedy shows where the star would yell out "Make Up" and some lower billing actor would come over with this huge fluffy powder applicator and hit them square in the face with it leaving them looking like Casper's long lost relative. Well ladies that's just what some of you look like when you apply to much damn make up. I mean damn I've seen some gals who look like they could give Shaka Zulu a run for his money they have so much war paint on. Seriously I know this comes off a bit mean but Crayola does not have a make up line yet some of you women out there are caught between stage make up and Gothic tyranny Mardi Gras mask.

Oh and fellas don't you go laughing to hard true enough men do not wear make up. Well I have seen a few whom I suspect has a corn silk compact in there backpacks. Any who, lets talk beards shall we and I'm not calling out all you pretty boys with the manicured beards so well trimmed you girls fresh bikini wax is envious. No you guys do your thing. I'm calling out all the guys with the real full scruffy long ( From the town of Bedrock their a page right out of history) guys. Come on guys calm that bush fire down. Get a little something oh lets say a machete and get to slicing. I'm sure there is a handsome man underneath those weeds. Cause lets face it some of you actually have gone to Home Depot just to get something to get through that mess. Can we say Garden Center! Ok I love you bye bye.

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